October 28, 2013

10 minute guide to project management 2013

Suppose you are a rising star at work and the boss has given you your first assignment to head up
a project. Depending on the nature of the project and what kind of work you do, you might have to
engage in a variety of tasks that you haven't tackled before, such as assembling a team to
complete the project on time and on budget, mapping out a plan and monitoring your progress at
key steps along the way, using appropriate planning tools such as project management software
or wall charts, and keeping your team motivated and on target.

Perhaps you have managed projects before, but not recently. Or, you have been given a new kind
of project you are not familiar with, and you want to make sure you handle the job right. If so,
you've come to the right place. The 10 Minute Guide to Project Management gives you the
essence of what you need to know, in terms of successful project management from A to Z.

Full PDF E-Book


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